Sniper Elite 5 - Action Stealth Shooter (November 2021- May 2022)
Level Designer
Third person action stealth game. I was a designer on Mission 2: Chateau de Berengar, and also did bug fixing on Missions 1 and 4.
Steam page is here.
I joined the Sniper 5 team late into development, having been handed Mission 2 from another designer. The level had sat in limbo and needed some polish to bring it to the finish line.
My work included much of all the individual elements you usually see in the level pipeline process. I whiteboxed more cover placement, placed AI and set their patrol routes, and placed of other gameplay elements such as pickups and explosives. During the bug fixing process another designer was brought on to speed up the process, and we worked together to bring things in line with the rest of the game. At Rebellion the level designers do much of the collision on their own levels, so bug fixing included that as well as your usual scripting and entity work.
Although it was late in development, the river ford crossing needed a stronger stealth option, so I worked with the level artist to add a more subtle approach with a safe spot to gather recon, and a one-way slide to drive the player forward. Both routes accept a broad choice of playstyles.
My favourite mark I got to leave on the level was a patrolling sniper in the barn roof. For the average player he pins down several paths leading around the stables area. For the experienced player, they can work a long shot backwards all the way to the church tower, for what is (currently) the longest shot known in the mission.
As Mission 2 was ahead of schedule, I was brought on to Mission 1 and Mission 4 to assist in bug fixing, primarily with level collision. I also did a pickups pass for Mission 1.
Having the luxury of building on a strong level base was a good way to ease into the development process and design style of a larger production studio, and let me bring a level to polish that I had never been able to reach when working by myself or in an indie team.